Starter Package Plus

With internet connection and GPS tracker

The E-Trailer system consists of a Starter Package, various modules and the free E-Trailer app (download the demo app in advance). The E-Trailer system can easily be retrofitted in any motorhome or caravan, or you can choose the E-Trailer system from the options list when you order your new motorhome or caravan. E-Track&Trace (GPS tracker) comes as part of the Starter Package Plus.

New: Starter Package Plus With internet connection and GPS tracker E-Track&Trace (GPS tracker) is part of the Starter Package Plus. The Starter Package Plus has a Bluetooth chip that is 50% more powerful, faster and has a 50% greater range than the Starter Package Basic! This means a more stable connection. So this is also interesting for customers who do not want to use the new Internet function.

Wireless connection


Full control

Choose the Starter Package that suits your needs

Included in the Starter Pack Plus are the modules E-Volt and E-Level (connection via Bluetooth). E-Track&Trace is also part of the Starter Package Plus. This module connects via the internet. The Starter Pack Plus has a Bluetooth chip that is 50% more powerful, faster and has 50% more range than the Starter Pack Basic! This means a more stable connection. So this is also of interest to customers who do not want to use the new internet feature.

Starter Package Plus
Connection via Bluetooth
Connection via Internet*
Modules remotely readable (from 2024)
Suitable for all current and future sensors

* Internet connection requires a subscription

Starter Package Basic
Connection via Bluetooth
Connection via Internet
Modules remotely readable (from 2024)
Suitable for all current and future sensors

Sim card for GPS connection via Internet

Alarm function at set safety zone

Included in the Starter Package Plus:

E-Track&Trace, E-Level en E-Volt (not sold separately)


E-Track&Trace from E-Trailer is specially designed for motorhomes or caravans and therefore the ideal GPS tracker for campers. E-Track&Trace is part of the Starter Package Plus.

This package contains everything you need:

  • Built-in battery
  • E-sim* for GPS connection via Internet
  • Coverage throughout Europa en Noord-Afrika (see coverage area)
  • Constant signal output during vehicle movement
  • Alarm function at set safety zone

*E-sim is a digital SIM card. The e in e-sim stands for embedded. This means a small chip is built into your Starter Package Plus.


Always sufficient power

With the E-Volt module, you can see in the E-Trailer app exactly how full your onboard battery of the motorhome or caravan is charged. If the voltage becomes too low, you will receive a warning through the E-Trailer app, enabling you to take measures before running out of power during your camping holiday. The E-Volt module can be adapted to any type of battery: lead-acid, AGM, or lithium battery. The values are given with precise accuracy (in percentage) rather than incrementally. 


Levelling the motor home or caravan becomes easy

The E-Level module is an electronic levelling sensor that is built into both starter packages. It enables you to see live and precise information on your smartphone, indicating whether the caravan or motorhome is parked level, even while driving onto the campsite. When using wedges and operating the crank supports, you can monitor in real-time on your smartphone when the motorhome or caravan is parked level. In the E-Trailer app, you can see the exact number of centimetres you need to raise each wheel to achieve a level position. This feature makes levelling your vehicle much easier.

Complete your E-Trailer system by adding more modules (later)

Besides the standard included modules, there are also modules you can add (later) to your Starter Package Plus, such as E-Pressure (tyre pressure), E-Gaslevel, E-Switch, E-Load, and E-Temperature. These modules connect via Bluetooth. With an internet subscription, all modules you link to your Starter Package Plus can be read remotely from your smartphone (from 2024).

E-Trailer subscription

The Starter Package Plus connects via Bluetooth and the internet. For an internet connection, you need to activate the eSIM in your Starter Package Plus by taking out a subscription. It is not possible to take out a subscription for the Starter Package Basic. You can take out a subscription in the E-Trailer app once your Starter Package Plus has been installed.

No internet needed?

Is it not necessary for you to use the E-Track&Trace module or to be able to read the modules remotely? No problem. The Starter Pack Basic also works with Bluetooth. Then no subscription is needed.

Frequently asked questions

The Starter Pack Plus has a Bluetooth chip that is 50% more powerful, faster and has 50% more range than the Starter Pack Basic! This means a more stable connection. So this is also interesting for customers who do not want to use the new internet feature. The Starter Package Plus works with both Bluetooth and internet connection. With the Starter Package Basic, you can only connect via Bluetooth. With the Starter Package Plus, you can also use E-Track&Trace. E-Trailer is developing new modules in the field of security, such as a motion sensor. With a Starter Package Plus, you can easily add these future modules. Only modules that connect with Bluetooth can be attached to the Starter Pack Basic.

With the Starter Package Plus, you get internet functionalities such as track & trace. These features consume data and therefore require a subscription.

Yes, the Starter Pack Plus works with both Bluetooth and internet. The internet connection requires a subscription.

Cashback promotion on the Campercontact-E-Trailer package

Receive €40 back when you purchase your Campercontact-E-Trailer package.

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COVID-19 maatregelen

  1. Als u klachten heeft of contact heeft gehad met iemand die COVID-19 heeft verzoeken wij u dringend u af te melden en niet te komen.
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  3. Wij zorgen ervoor dat er niet meer dan 6 mensen tegelijkertijd in een ruimte aanwezig zijn zodat de 1,5 meter afstand gewaarborgd blijft.
  4. Na elk bezoek maken wij al ons promotie materiaal weer schoon, zo zorgen wij ervoor dat alles virusvrij blijft.
  5. U kunt altijd een mondkapje dragen en wij zullen dit ook doen als u dit graag wilt.
  6. Wij geven geen handen.
  7. Wij houden te allen tijde 1,5 meter afstand.